VR Articles Archives - Ismar20 https://ismar20.org The Virtual World Thu, 14 Mar 2024 15:25:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.2 https://ismar20.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/cropped-vr-1911452_640-32x32.png VR Articles Archives - Ismar20 https://ismar20.org 32 32 The Business of VR: Monetization Strategies and Emerging Markets https://ismar20.org/the-business-of-vr-monetization-strategies-and-emerging-markets/ Thu, 14 Mar 2024 15:25:18 +0000 https://ismar20.org/?p=168 Virtual Reality (VR) teсhnology, onсe a figment of sсienсe fiсtion, has now emerged as a pivotal player in the digital eсonomy. The proliferation of VR has transсended entertainment boundaries, venturing into eduсation, healthсare, real estate, and beyond. This diversifiсation has opened up novel avenues for monetization, сhallenging businesses to innovate while tapping into emerging markets. …

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Virtual Reality (VR) teсhnology, onсe a figment of sсienсe fiсtion, has now emerged as a pivotal player in the digital eсonomy. The proliferation of VR has transсended entertainment boundaries, venturing into eduсation, healthсare, real estate, and beyond. This diversifiсation has opened up novel avenues for monetization, сhallenging businesses to innovate while tapping into emerging markets. This artiсle explores the multifaсeted approaсhes to VR monetization and the burgeoning markets ripe for exploration.

Monetization Strategies in VR

The monetization of virtual reality ventures requires a blend of traditional digital marketing strategies and innovative approaсhes unique to the immersive nature of VR. Here are several key strategies:

1. Сontent Sales and Subsсriptions: The most direсt method of monetization, similar to traditional gaming and streaming serviсes. Users pay for aссess to VR сontent, whiсh сan range from games to eduсational сourses. Subsсription models offer ongoing revenue, enсouraging сreators to сontinually update and expand their offerings.

2. Advertising and Sponsorships: VR offers a unique, immersive advertising platform. Brands сan сreate interaсtive adverts or sponsor virtual events, сreating a deeper engagement with their target audienсe. This strategy requires a deliсate balanсe to avoid disrupting the user experienсe while maximizing brand impaсt.

3. Virtual Goods and Marketplaсes: Within VR environments, there’s an opportunity for the sale of virtual goods. These сan range from сosmetiс items for avatars to virtual real estate in expansive online worlds. The сreation of virtual marketplaсes where users сan buy, sell, or trade items adds an eсonomiс layer to the VR experienсe.

4. Enterprise Solutions and Training Programs: VR’s appliсation in professional settings, suсh as mediсal training simulations or arсhiteсtural visualization, opens a market for high-value, speсialized сontent. Businesses are willing to invest in VR solutions that promise to reduсe сosts, improve training effiсaсy, or enhanсe deсision-making.

5. Liсensing and Partnerships: For VR teсhnology and сontent сreators, liсensing their produсts or forming partnerships with established brands сan offer luсrative revenue streams. This сan also faсilitate сross-promotion, expanding market reaсh.

Emerging Markets in VR

As VR teсhnology evolves and beсomes more aссessible, new markets are emerging, presenting fresh opportunities for businesses.

1. Eduсation and Training: The immersive nature of VR makes it an exсellent tool for eduсational purposes. From K-12 to higher eduсation and voсational training, the potential for VR to enhanсe learning experienсes is vast. Interaсtive historiсal reсonstruсtions, virtual sсienсe labs, and simulated mediсal proсedures сan provide learners with experienсes that are otherwise too сostly, dangerous, or impossible in the real world.

2. Healthсare: VR is making strides in treatment and therapy, offering innovative solutions for pain management, mental health, and rehabilitation. Virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET), for example, is used for treating PTSD, anxiety disorders, and phobias. The market for VR in healthсare is expanding as researсh validates its effiсaсy.

3. Real Estate and Interior Design: VR tours allow potential buyers to explore properties remotely, offering a more immersive experienсe than traditional photos or videos. Similarly, interior design appliсations let users visualize сhanges in real-time, revolutionizing the way people renovate and deсorate their spaсes.

4. Remote Work and Сollaboration: The shift towards remote work has highlighted the need for better online сollaboration tools. VR сan сreate virtual offiсes that mimiс the experienсe of working together in person, faсilitating better teamwork and projeсt management for distributed teams.

5. Tourism and Сultural Experienсe: VR сan transport users to distant destinations or historiсal moments, offering experienсes that are otherwise inaссessible due to time, сost, or physiсal limitations. This has impliсations not only for tourism but for сultural preservation and eduсation.

Сhallenges and Сonsiderations

While the potential for VR is immense, there are сhallenges to its monetization and market expansion. Aссessibility remains a signifiсant hurdle, with high сosts for quality hardware and the need for robust internet сonneсtions limiting widespread adoption. Additionally, сonсerns around privaсy, data seсurity, and user safety in immersive environments need addressing to foster trust and enсourage growth.

User experienсe is another сritiсal area, as poorly designed appliсations сan lead to disсomfort or disinterest. Businesses must invest in quality сontent сreation and platform development to ensure engaging and valuable experienсes for users.


The business of VR is at a fasсinating сrossroads, with traditional monetization strategies being adapted for virtual spaсes and entirely new markets emerging as the teсhnology progresses. The blend of сreativity and innovation in monetization approaсhes, alongside the сareful navigation of сhallenges, will determine the suссess of ventures in the VR landsсape. As businesses explore these unсharted territories, the potential for VR to reshape industries and everyday life beсomes inсreasingly evident. With foсused development and strategiс market engagement, the virtual reality seсtor is poised to thrive, offering profound opportunities for businesses ready to dive into its digital realms.

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How to assess an essay writer’s qualifications using VR https://ismar20.org/how-to-assess-an-essay-writers-qualifications-using-vr/ https://ismar20.org/how-to-assess-an-essay-writers-qualifications-using-vr/#respond Fri, 28 Oct 2022 06:42:22 +0000 https://ismar20.org/?p=156 When assessing an essay writer’s qualifications, it is important to consider their education, experience, and writing skills. First, consider the writer’s education. A degree in English or a related field is a good starting point, but it is not always necessary. What is more important is that the writer has a good understanding of grammar …

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When assessing an essay writer’s qualifications, it is important to consider their education, experience, and writing skills.

  • First, consider the writer’s education. A degree in English or a related field is a good starting point, but it is not always necessary. What is more important is that the writer has a good understanding of grammar and style.
  • Second, consider the writer’s experience. Have they written essays for others before? Do they have any experience editing or proofreading essays? This experience can be invaluable when it comes to producing a high-quality essay.
  • Finally, consider the writer’s writing skills. Can they write well-structured essays that are clear and concise? Are their arguments well-reasoned? These are all important factors to consider when assessing an essay writer’s qualifications.

What to look for in an essay writing service

When looking for Creative Writers, it is important to consider the quality of the service offered. The best essay writing services will have a team of qualified writers who can provide quality work. The service should also offer a money-back guarantee if the customer is not satisfied with the work. In addition, the service should offer a free revision policy so that the customer can make changes to their essay if they are not satisfied with the first version. A good essay writing service will also offer a variety of payment options so that customers can choose the one that best suits their needs.

It is also important to consider the reputation of the essay writing service. A good way to do this is to read customer reviews of the service. This will give you an idea of how satisfied other customers have been with the work that the service has provided. If a service has a lot of negative reviews, it is probably best to avoid using it.

Finally, when choosing an essay writing service, it is important to make sure that the company offers a variety of services. This will ensure that you can find a service that can meet your specific needs. For example, if you need help with proofreading or editing your essay, you should make sure that the company offers these services. By doing this, you can be sure that you are getting the best possible value for your money.

How to get the most out of your essay writer

When you’re working with an essay writer, it’s important to get the most out of them. Here are a few tips to help you do just that:

  1. Make sure you’re clear on what you need. It can be tough to communicate your ideas effectively if you don’t have a clear understanding of what you’re looking for. Talk to your writer and make sure they know exactly what you need.
  2. Be specific in your instructions. When you’re giving your writer instructions, be as specific as possible. This will help them understand your needs and produce better results.
  3. Stay involved in the process. Don’t just hand off your project and forget about it. Stay in touch with your writer and make sure they’re meeting your expectations. If not, let them know so they can fix it.

By following these tips, you can get the most out of your essay writer and ensure that your project turns out just the way you want it. 

VR in education is the new trend

Virtual reality technology is revolutionizing education. It offers a more immersive and interactive learning experience that can help students retain information better. VR can also be used to create simulations of real-world scenarios, which can be beneficial for students in fields such as medicine or engineering.

There are a few things to keep in mind when considering VR for education. First, it is important to choose a reputable and experienced VR company. There are many VR companies out there, but not all of them are created equal. Make sure to do your research and choose a company with a good reputation.

Second, you need to make sure that the VR system you choose is compatible with the hardware and software you already have. Otherwise, you may not be able to use it.

Third, you should consider the price of VR systems. They can be quite expensive, so you need to make sure that you can afford it.

Fourth, you need to think about how VR will be used in your classroom. Will it be used for all subjects, or just certain ones?

Finally, you should make sure that you are comfortable with the VR system you choose. You don’t want to end up feeling nauseous or dizzy after using it.

By keeping these things in mind, you can be sure that you choose the right VR system for your needs and that you get the most out of it.

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Virtual reality at school. https://ismar20.org/virtual-reality-at-school/ https://ismar20.org/virtual-reality-at-school/#respond Mon, 07 Mar 2022 09:14:16 +0000 https://ismar20.org/?p=135 It is understandable that most educators back in the ‘old days’ would be excited about a calculator or computer making its first appearance in their classrooms. Nowadays, there’s no need to be surprised by a digital pen in the classroom or interactive whiteboards. Digital laboratories are the norm and technology education includes basics of robotics …

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It is understandable that most educators back in the ‘old days’ would be excited about a calculator or computer making its first appearance in their classrooms. Nowadays, there’s no need to be surprised by a digital pen in the classroom or interactive whiteboards. Digital laboratories are the norm and technology education includes basics of robotics and 3D modeling.

Technology and science magazines have recently been talking about this new innovation, and now it’s beginning to show up everywhere.

Virtual reality is a hot topic for many people these days. VR technology can be used in education in a number of different ways and its applications are endless, but what is the physical hardware that facilitates virtual reality experiences?

Gaming technology has been booming in recent years and VR is no different. Its uses in education aren’t as popular as other fields but it can be very helpful for things like simulation training sessions.

Virtual Reality brings a number of advantages with it, including feeling immersed in the environment, being able to focus on the task at hand without distractions, becoming deeply involved in whatever scenario you’re part of and being able to interact with virtually anyone / anything.

What is VR?

Virtual Reality (VR) is an environment which is generated with the help of special digital equipment and software. The user can interact with this virtual environment, in a fully or partial way.

For educational organizations, VR gadgets can be found in a variety shapes and sizes – from simple cardboard glasses to multifunctional helmets. However, just buying such headsets does not guarantee success. For their full-reaching work, you will also need controllers (joysticks and pointers), which help the student interact with objects of the virtual world, and batteries (batteries) for them; beacons that are installed indoors, pick up signals from the helmet and are responsible for the orientation of the student in space; tripods for beacons; docking stations for charging helmets and controllers, as well as for some helmets and glasses.

Do educational institutions create barriers for technology?

Of course it is:

  • – relatively high cost
  • – A conservative approach to the administration of schools and the autonomy given to teachers may lead to a higher rate of success.
  • – an important consideration when developing an internal technology strategy is including all the tools you might use in your job. A good way of achieving this is by reviewing all the applications for which you have access.
  • – lack of tailored educational content, etc
  • – One of the less obvious barriers to entry is the question of how viable it is to use this technology: relatively few studies have been conducted confirming the undeniable pros of VR.

How can VR be used in school?

The use of virtual reality at school is opening up a lot of new opportunities for teachers: To “penetrate” together with students into micro- and macro-worlds, safely conduct risky physical experiments, speed up or slow down chemical reactions and biological processes, move in time to observe historic events from a different perspective all you need is intelligent robots. Plus, VR can make communications more immersive and diverse. So it’s not just for playing games or watching movies- you can learn at the same time.

We can use VR technology in classrooms, which has a huge number of benefits: to “penetrate” together with students into micro- and macro-worlds, safely conduct risky scientific experiments, speed up and slow down chemical reactions and biological processes, move in time and observe historical events through the eyes of eyewitnesses. VR can invite people from all over the world to be a part of your virtual network and communicate with them more easily than in the real world.

The easiest way to use virtual reality in the classroom is to watch a 360° video with students. When they put on goggles, they are experiencing things firsthand while the teacher is still present and able to guide the discussion. For example, if Machu Picchu was talked about in a geography lesson, students can explore Peru on their own, and studying Tesla’s laws in physics lessons and find themselves in a scientist’s workshop.

Perspectives on VR at school

According to the data of a market analytical company, VR/AR tech is already being used by 21% of Russian companies on the list. The emergence of VR in schools opens up terrific opportunities for teachers to improve their education, make it more practical and interesting.

Some of the children’s educational projects are still at the testing stage, but it is expected that next year it will be possible to introduce VR in more schools and highlight the first results.

In the following years, technological piloting took place in the form of projects with varied goals and scales. It is expected that new methodological developments both from the state and in terms of research will provide a significant contribution to improving not only safety, but also efficiency.

As technology continues to improve, the next stage is refinement. This occurs when existing solutions are revisited and made better. Along with this, users’ experiences should be taken into account to make things easier on them. The results of recent research should also be considered in order when refining something new.

There are two opposing views as to how VR can be used in education. For some, it should be a way to relieve boredom and provide entertainment; for others, the focus should be on boosting results and raising scores.

The first method of using VR in education is to use it as an additional means. It doesn’t have to be any more effective than current means and can be just considered a ‘toy’ if required. If a school has the funds to do so, and if their students are enthusiastic about the content, then they often decide to implement it. A cultural issue that is often ignored, but equally important is the attitude towards mental health. It’s no secret that our environment influences us, so it’s worth focusing on this matter.

Schools that focus on educational outcomes are slow to adopt new technologies – like expensive software for classroom. However, when the time comes to use it – the staff is more open and receptive, new methods have been shown to improve the final results of schoolchildren. When introducing a new teaching method, it’s vital to make sure you’re doing so in line with the goals and objectives of your class as well as any state-mandated educational standards.

Educators are debating whether or not to use VR as a learning tool. There are two sides to this argument; some say VR is more efficient than Skype, for example. One advantage of AR is its ability to be used as a learning tool. For instance, it can simulate the surgery experience or allow us to explore new worlds. This is different from VR which involves complete immersion into other worlds and is on the whole less interactive than AR.

Considering how difficult it is to surprise students with modern technologies, it’s no surprise that the reactions to new technological developments are usually not as positive as many have anticipated. The truth is, not all money you spend goes towards engaging students. A lot of the time it just feels like you’re buying more of the same thing.

Yes, a few people may try to stop this from happening so their expensive equipment isn’t scattered in classrooms. Technology is becoming more prevalent everyday and yet at the same time there are a lot of concerns about the cognitive overload it causes.

Teachers play a role in the introduction of AI technology and should be encouraged to do so by those in leadership positions. Partnering with local schools or colleges is one way to help ensure that children are learning and progressing.

This year, VR is being used in schools to help teachers bring their lessons to life. A virtual mentor will help motivate students by getting them personally involved in the lesson. Moreover, they’ll see that the teacher is an expert on tech and know how to effectively use it.

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Virtual Reality: Everything You Need to Know https://ismar20.org/virtual-reality-everything-you-need-to-know/ https://ismar20.org/virtual-reality-everything-you-need-to-know/#respond Sat, 07 Aug 2021 16:23:00 +0000 https://ismar20.org/?p=20 Today, progress has truly reached unprecedented heights, and the new generation is able to use opportunities that people only dreamed of 10-15 years ago. What used to be mysticism and magic has now become technical progress. One of these things is virtual reality. Today we are going to talk about what VR is and how …

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Today, progress has truly reached unprecedented heights, and the new generation is able to use opportunities that people only dreamed of 10-15 years ago. What used to be mysticism and magic has now become technical progress. One of these things is virtual reality. Today we are going to talk about what VR is and how it is being used in different areas.

Definition of Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is a virtual world created with the help of hardware and software, which is transmitted to humans through touch, hearing, as well as sight and, in some cases, smell. It is the combination of all of these influences on the human senses that together are called the interactive world

It, VR, is able to simulate with high accuracy the effects of the surrounding virtual reality on humans, but in order to create a truly plausible computer synthesis from the reactions and properties within the interactive world, all synthesis processes are calculated, analyzed and derived as behavior in real time.

The use of virtual reality is multifaceted: in 99 percent of cases, animate and inanimate objects created with this technology have exactly the same properties, behavior and movement as their real prototypes. At the same time, the user is able to influence all animate and inanimate objects according to the real laws of physics (if the game process does not provide for other laws of physics, which happens very rarely).

Operating Principle

Many people wonder exactly how the technology works. Here are the three main components that are used in almost any interaction with the virtual environment:

  • Head. The virtual environment carefully, with the help of a specialized headset, tracks the position of the head. So, the headset moves the picture according to which side and when the user turns his head – to the side, down or up. This system is officially called the six degrees of freedom.
  • Motion. In more expensive versions of the hardware is tracked and the user’s movements, and the virtual picture will move according to them. We are talking here not about the games, in which the user is simply in place and interacts with the environment, but those where it moves in a virtual space.
  • Eyes. Another fundamental sensor in reality analyzes the direction in which the eyes look. Thanks to this, the game allows the user to immerse himself more deeply in the interactive reality.

The Full Presence Effect

Already by the term full presence, it is clear exactly what we are talking about: the world is a virtual reality. This means that the user will feel exactly where the game is, and he can interact with it. The user turns his head – the character also turns his head, the person steps in his room – the player moves in the interactive reality. There is still a debate – is it possible to be fully immersed in virtual reality?

The Leap – tracking fingers and hands

The full presence effect is achieved by The Leap device. This device, which uses a complex system to track every movement, is still part of the very expensive and top-of-the-line helmets. However, the algorithm is quite simple, and it is present in a slightly modified form in another device, namely the HTC Vive helmet.

Both the controller and the helmet in the HTC Vive, are equipped with many photodiodes – small devices that convert light energy into electrical energy.

Important point! Generally speaking, one encounters photodiodes and their operation on a daily basis. As an example, this is the photodiode, which is responsible for lighting a smartphone. The photodiode detects exactly how much light falls on it and, based on this data, adjusts the brightness level

The same full-presence principle is used in the helmet. A standard VR helmet comes with two stations that let in a pair of beams at time intervals – these are horizontal and vertical beams. They pierce the room and reach the photodiodes on the helmet device and the controller. The photodiodes then begin their operation, and in a few seconds information data is exchanged, during which the sensors transmit the position of the controllers and the helmet.

This is the algorithm for creating full presence.

What Varieties of VR There Are

Officially, there are now three varieties of virtual reality:

  • Simulation and computer simulation.
  • Imaginary activities.
  • Cyberspace and hardware.

VR helmets

The start of interactive reality can be considered the creation of three helmets:

  • HTC Vive
  • Oculus Rift
  • Samsung Gear VR

The main difference between these three gadgets is only in the companies-manufacturers. Otherwise, they are similar. All three helmets differ in portability and full immersion in the gameplay.

Pros and cons of virtual reality


  • Being able to fully immerse yourself in an interactive dimension.
  • Gaining new emotions.
  • Prevention of stress.
  • Creation of electronic information and training resources.
  • Holding conferences.
  • Creation of cultural heritage objects.
  • Opportunity to visualize various objects and physical phenomena.
  • The possibility for everyone to move to a new level of entertainment.


  • Addiction.
  • Another clear disadvantage: virtual reality and its psychological impact on people – it is not always positive, as there is a risk of too much immersion in the virtual world, which sometimes entails problems in social and other spheres of life.
  • High cost of the devices.

Application of virtual reality

VR can be used in areas such as:

  • Training. Today, interactive reality makes it possible to simulate a training environment in those areas and for those activities for which it is necessary and important to prepare in advance. As an example, it can be an operation, control of machinery, and other areas.
  • Science. VR makes it possible to greatly accelerate the research of both the atomic and molecular world. In the world of computer reality, one is able to manipulate even atoms as if it were a constructor.
  • Medicine. As noted, VR can be used to train and educate medical professionals: to perform surgeries, learn equipment, and improve professional skills.
  • Architecture and design. What could be better than showing the customer a model of a new house or any other construction object using such reality? It is what makes it possible to create these objects in virtual space, in full size, for demonstration, whereas before, hand models and imagination were used. This applies not only to construction objects, but also to machinery.
  • Entertainment. VR is insanely popular in the gaming environment. And, games are in demand, as well as cultural events and tourism.

VR – is it harmful or not?

So far it can be noted that no global research has been conducted in this area, but the first conclusions can already be drawn. Since VR is still in its infancy (and indeed it is), many people may experience unpleasant feelings when using this technology for a long time. In particular, one will feel dizzy and nauseous.

So far, there is no evidence that VR has a negative effect on vision. The negative effect is undoubtedly there, but it is not so great as to be alarming. So it is still unknown whether virtual reality is a harm or a benefit.

VR – what does the future hold?

Today, virtual reality is not completely finished, so there may be some unpleasant feelings. In the future, there will appear many devices, copies and analogues, which will not affect the human body and psyche negatively.

Also VR devices will be able to solve problems with the consumption of information data, and the sessions will become as standard and commonplace as the usual games on the computer or consoles these days.


Virtual reality is still a bottomless abyss to explore and improve algorithms. Technology is advancing very quickly today, so it is safe to say that in the near future the market price of the kit will be affordable for a person with average income.

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Web VR: Virtual Reality in your Browser https://ismar20.org/web-vr-virtual-reality-in-your-browser/ https://ismar20.org/web-vr-virtual-reality-in-your-browser/#respond Fri, 23 Jul 2021 13:33:54 +0000 https://ismar20.org/?p=47 WebVR is an open specification that allows you to use VR in your browser. Its goal is to make it easier for every user to have a quality virtual reality experience, regardless of their device. What kind of helmet do I need to use WebVR? The easiest way to start using WebVR is with Google …

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WebVR is an open specification that allows you to use VR in your browser. Its goal is to make it easier for every user to have a quality virtual reality experience, regardless of their device.

What kind of helmet do I need to use WebVR?

The easiest way to start using WebVR is with Google Cardboard (since these glasses are extremely inexpensive). You can also use Daydream, Oculus, or HTC Vive. In the first case, you just need to download Chrome for Android.

Web VR for Mozilla Firefox

In order to start using Web VR, you need to download the Mozilla browser version 55 or higher. You do not need to download any Web VR Player! Then you should do the following steps:

  • Start the Mozilla Firefox browser on your PC.
  • Next, make sure that the Oculus device you are using allows you to use unknown sources.
  • If you have a laptop or desktop with NVIDIA chipsets, you should use discrete GPUs. There are several ways to do this, such as through the NVIDIA Control Panel. To do this, go through the following path: load 3D settings> manage 3D settings> open the “configure programs” tab and select the appropriate Web VR browser. It will be used as a program for settings. As a priority, you should select “NVIDIA high performance processor”.
  • It is now worth reloading the browser.
  • After going to the site, you can try to use some WEB VR applications.

As for Web VR for Chrome browser, the developer of this technology said that new options are being developed to extend the functionality of Web VR. For now, the mobile version of the browser can be used for Web VR.

Already in the first half of 2016, full support for the specification was made, implemented in Mozilla browser builds. To activate the preliminary capabilities of the technology, people used the Mozilla Web VR Plus extension.


In 2016, Samsung already managed to introduce a similar technology with its Samsung Internet browser, but it did not gain much popularity. In the future, Google will work on expanding supported devices, such as the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.

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How Virtual Reality Glasses Work https://ismar20.org/how-virtual-reality-glasses-work/ https://ismar20.org/how-virtual-reality-glasses-work/#respond Wed, 02 Jun 2021 09:07:24 +0000 https://ismar20.org/?p=43 Virtual reality means the world created with the help of technical devices, which a person can feel with sight, hearing, as well as touch and smell. In this case, the user is literally immersed in this world, as he develops certain reactions to everything that happens in it. For example, the user, playing games with …

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Virtual reality means the world created with the help of technical devices, which a person can feel with sight, hearing, as well as touch and smell. In this case, the user is literally immersed in this world, as he develops certain reactions to everything that happens in it.

For example, the user, playing games with VR helmet, will experience more emotions than without it. This fact is confirmed by the experiment, which was carried out by scientists and in which 1500 people took part – they were offered to play scary online games. As a result, when playing without a VR helmet, 8% of the participants experienced a sense of fear, while when playing in the headset their number increased to 80%.

Who Created Virtual Reality?

The first model of VR glasses was created in 1968 by a scientist from the United States, Sutherland. This device allowed you to watch low-quality graphics, and the construction of the device was so massive that it had to be fixed to the ceiling.

In the 1990s, when this direction was considered very promising, VR glasses were created for the SegaMegaDrive and Atari JaguarVR. But by the beginning of the new millennium, their relevance had dropped, and in 2000 virtual reality was forgotten about altogether.

They started talking about it again in 2012, when engineers Lucky and Carmack created Oculus Rift glasses. Prior to that, in 2011, a virtual reality fanatic Lucky created the first prototype, he wanted to get a better picture than the previous models. Since then, virtual reality has become very much in demand.

How does the VR headset work?

Not long ago, it was very expensive to look at the virtual world. But progress is moving forward, and now the virtual world is slowly becoming accessible to all segments of the population. The cheapest VR goggles are currently available for phones. In general, it is not very correct to call this device goggles. For this we need to understand how virtual reality glasses work.

First it is necessary to find out what such a device is. Many people have known about the VR helmet for PC for a long time. It is quite a complex electronic device, it consists of a plastic body and fixing straps.

The helmet is put on your head and connects to a personal computer, netbook or laptop. In his body built into special lenses, behind them is a small display, divided into two parts. Some devices use two displays. The image on them is the same, but due to the fact that each eye sees a separate picture, it creates a three-dimensional image effect.

For the user to navigate well in the virtual space and control it, it is necessary that the helmet can clearly read the movements of the head. To do this, a gyroscope is installed in it. Today, new phones are also equipped with the same gyroscope, and we will talk about that below.

Additionally, VR helmets are often equipped with special sensors that monitor head movements. The data read out by the sensors is sent via a USB or HDMI cord to the computer.

In general, this is the whole construction of the helmet. Due to the fact that all these elements are combined in one device, the headset has a high price, which makes it unaffordable for all segments of the population.

Why do I need a VR helmet for my phone?

Everything seems clear with the construction of a helmet for the PC. But how do virtual reality glasses for a smartphone work? These devices are optimal and affordable for many people.

As you have already understood from the above material, to create a VR helmet requires combining in the headset:

  • lenses;
  • screen (display);
  • gyroscope;
  • directly to the body.

The peculiarity of the headset for the phone is that the smartphone acts as the display and gyroscope here. It only remains to add to it the case and the lenses. Because of this idea, the price of this device is small, unlike the cost of a PC helmet. So you can buy VR glasses, put your phone in their case, adjust the lenses for a quality picture, and run the necessary program.

As a result, we get a full-fledged, quite functional VR helmet that costs less than similar equipment for the PC.

In the process of choosing, you need to pay attention to the compatibility of your phone with virtual reality glasses. Many VR glasses are universal, but there are some models that work with just one or two phones, and are not compatible with the rest.

Key Features:

  • can only work with the phone;
  • image quality depends on the phone’s hardware and display;
  • riftcat vridge program allows you to play games designed for VR helmet designed for PC;
  • it is possible to connect the phone to the PC;
  • allow you to watch three-dimensional 3d-video;
  • compatible with all vr applications.

A small disadvantage is that while the game industry in this area is underdeveloped, so games and programs for VR glasses, designed for phones, now a little. In particular, there are very few interesting games where it is possible to use such a headset. But this will eventually be resolved, as many developers are interested in this market.

The most popular models of VR glasses for smartphones

Since the appearance of the Cardboard from Google on the market, this segment began to develop rapidly. So now you can buy glasses with high-quality lenses, perfectly designed and very comfortable body, as well as with a secure attachment for fixing the device on the head, focusing, etc.

Today they are produced by many well-known corporations, so on sale there is a wide range of these devices, which differ in functionality, performance and build quality.

Therefore, any user can choose and purchase a more suitable model for themselves. But in any case you should study the instruction booklet, which is included with the device and which tells how to use all its features.

When choosing a headset, you need to consider such nuances:

  • compatibility with your smartphone, the maximum image resolution (there are Chinese models that work only with a particular model of phone);
  • The peculiarities of your vision – you should choose devices with adjustable lenses because if your vision of each eye is different, you will need separate focusing;
  • Consider what you need your glasses for – to watch movies or play games;
  • your financial capabilities.

With the final choice any buyer will decide for themselves, according to their needs and tastes, and most importantly – according to their financial capabilities.


To summarize, it is safe to say that VR glasses for phones have made the virtual world accessible to all mankind, as any owner of an inexpensive phone today can buy this device and plunge into the virtual game world or enjoy 3D movies of the highest quality.

But at the same time, virtual reality glasses for PC allow you to more fully experience all the possibilities of the virtual world.

The post How Virtual Reality Glasses Work appeared first on Ismar20.

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